China Township

Treasurer’s Office

Treasurer's Office


Deanna Moran

Phone: 810-765-1145 ext. 203


Hours: Monday – Wednesday 12-3 or by appointment


  • Must maintain accurate records of all income, receipts and disbursements, deposits all receipts into the proper township funds, and invests idle funds.
  • Maintains a uniform system of accounting as mandated by the State Treasurer and must keep an accurate account of each township fund.
  • Is responsible for mailing out the tax bills to property owners and mortgage companies.
    Collects and distributes the property taxes to the appropriate entities such as the State of Michigan, St. Clair County, East China Schools, and the various funds within the Township on a bi-monthly basis.
  • Receives receipts for expenditures.
  • Issues Township checks.
    Deposits & Invests funds into approved accounts.
  • Reconciles all Township bank accounts.
  • Manages payroll funds.
  • Is responsible for all Special Assessment Rolls.

Summer Taxes

As most of you know, there is a summer tax bill that is sent out July 1st and is due by September 14th without interest. Past due Summer taxes can be paid at the Township with a 1% fee added on September 15th, October 1st, November 1st, December 1st, January 1st and February 1st. 

There are deferments available to certain people.  The requirements for deferment are variable and include: age over 62, disability, agriculture use, and other conditions and reasons.  The Michigan Form 471 is available online (click here) or at the China Township office.  They must have been filed at the Township office by September 14th by the property owner.

Winter Taxes

The tax bills are mailed out the first part of December and can be paid at the China Township Hall or Northstar Bank in St. Clair. To avoid interest, winter taxes must be received IN OUR office by February 14th. We will still accept summer as well as winter tax payments until February 28th. As of March 1st, you must pay your taxes at the St. Clair County Treasurers Office in Port Huron. You should call them first to get the amount of penalties and interest owed (810-989-6915). 

Many of you may not be aware of an important Public Act that is enforced by the St. Clair County Treasurer regarding unpaid property taxes and foreclosure.  Please click here to read about Public Act 123 of 1999.