Voter Information
Online Voter Registration website is now available and can be found at www.Michigan.gov/Vote by selecting the “Register to Vote” option located on the left panel of the page. The tool can also be reached directly by going to www.Michigan.gov/VoterRegistration. Residents across the state can take advantage of this convenient way of registering to vote. Current voters can easily change their address using this website.
Registering to vote has never been easier and can be accomplished by navigating five easy screens:
Registration Deadlines
Notice of Registration
Clerk is available Tuesday 12-5p.m and Thursday 10-3p.m.
Clerk will be available on Saturday and Sunday from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. before each election for voter registration, absentee ballot request/distribution and any other clerk related business. Dates and times will be posted before each election.
Absentee Ballots to be mailed out must be requested no later than the Friday before each election. Absentee Ballots can be requested and picked up until the Monday before the election at 4 pm.
The last day to request an Absentee Ballot is the day before the election, but you must come into the hall and complete the paperwork, and complete your ballot in the hall at that time.
Hours for voting on election day are:
7:00 am to 8:00 pm
Would you like to become an Elections Inspector? We are hiring for Election Inspectors, please click the following link, or come into our office to fill out an application.
Absentee Ballot
Due to the passage of the statewide ballot proposal 18-3 in November 2018, all eligible and registered voters in Michigan may now request an absent voter ballot without providing a reason.
Absent voter ballots are available for all elections. You may request an Absentee ballot for any election with no reason. ALL registered voters can request an Absentee Ballot.
Do you want to Vote Absentee every election? If your answer is Yes, you may request to be on the Permanent Absent Voter List. When on this list, you will automatically receive an absent voter application for every election. If you choose to return that application, we will send you a ballot as soon as they arrive in our office. You must turn in a new application for EVERY election, if you stay at another address during the election season. you will not automatically be sent a ballot without completing the address area of the application.

**You will need to put in your name and birth date to access the ballot wording. The link will ask you if you are registered, but below it states it will show you a sample ballot. This is updated for every election, and will be available about 40 days before the election date.
Voting Requirement
In order to register to vote in China Township you must be:
A U.S. citizen
At least 18 years of age by election day
A resident of Michigan and resident of China township

If you move within China Township, you can call the Township office at 810-765-1145 ext. 207 and speak with the Clerk to have your registration changed. You may also change it at any Secretary of State office. You can download the Voter Registration Application if you have never registered to vote and return it to the St Clair County Clerk’s office.
Voter Identification Requirements ~ PHOTO ID LAW
Every Michigan voter who offers to vote in the polls must comply with the new requirement by showing picture identification or signing an affidavit attesting that he or she is not in possession of picture identification. The new voter identification became effective in November 2007.
Voters with picture identification: Voters can satisfy the picture identification requirement by showing a Michigan driver’s license or a Michigan personal identification card. Voters who DO NOT possess either document may show any of the following forms of picture identification as long as they are current:
– Driver’s license or personal identification card issued by another state
– Federal or state government-issued photo identification
– U.S. passport
– Military identification card with photo
– Student identification with photo from a high school or an accredited institution of higher education
– Tribal identification card with photo