China Township

Building and Zoning

Building and Zoning

Building Official and Zoning Administrator

William Klaassen

Phone: (810) 765-1145, ext. 208

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., by appointment only.
8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., open to public.

Nicholas Daugherty

Alternate Building Inspector

Ryan Bullock – Electrical Inspector
Kelly Smith – Plumbing & Mechanical Inspector

The Building Department oversees the construction activity related with new developments and improvements that require permits in accordance with Township Ordinances and the State Construction Codes. The Building Department enforces the Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing and Barrier Free Codes to ensure compliance of all permitted construction. To avoid problems work should not begin until a permit has been issued; therefore, the Building Department should be contacted to inquire if a permit will be required before starting work.

Click here for 2019 Zoning Map.

More Information

Permit Information:

Before beginning your home improvement or construction project, contact the Building Department for information concerning permits. Permits are required for many types of jobs, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Demolition: Residential and Commercial
  • New Construction: Residential and Commercial
  • Any Alterations, Modifications, or Additions including: Sunrooms, Decks, Pools, Sheds, Generators, and Driveway Gates, or any structural changes to existing buildings/homes.
  • Signs larger than 2′ x 2′

Permit Forms Information:

Permit applications are to be filled out completely and either brought into the Township Office during normal business hours or may be mailed in with your application fees. If you have any questions regarding fees or items on the application please call the Building Department at 810-765-1145 extension 208.

Obtaining a Permit:

Building plans and other necessary documents are needed for review before a permit can be approved and issued. If a permit requires an approval from another source, such as the Board of Appeals for a variance, the applicant is responsible for obtaining those approvals before a permit is issued. If the construction area is in a subdivision or area with Homeowners Association, you may be required to obtain approval from the association before a permit can be approved.